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Use of functional testing battery, Finnish Canine Stifle Index (FCSI) for stifle patients

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Use of functional testing battery, Finnish Canine Stifle Index (FCSI) for stifle patients

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Use of functional testing battery, Finnish Canine Stifle Index (FCSI) for stifle patients

The presentation is aimed at veterinary physiotherapists working with dogs with stifle pathologies and dysfunctions.

The presentation will provide the participants with means of using an affordable, time efficient and reliable outcome measurement tool for their clinical practice.

Theory and structure of the testing battery will be explained, and use of it presented through practical demonstrations and cases.

Participants will be able to use the testing battery as part of their work immediately after the presentation. In addition to the presentation related material, two bathroom scales and an equally high platform and universal goniometer is needed to perform the test.




Doc. Heli Hyytiäinen, PT, MSc (Vet Physio), PhD

Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine,

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,

University of Helsinki,



Heli graduated as a physiotherapist in January 2000 and did her Finnish specialization studies in Animal Physiotherapy in 2003, after which she has worked only with animal clients. She graduated as a Master of Science in Veterinary Physiotherapy from the Royal Veterinary College in 2012, and finalized her PhD in 2015. 17  years ago she started, and has since further developed the physiotherapy department at the Helsinki University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, working with both, small animals and horses. She is also the consulting physiotherapist for a private equine clinic. Currently she works as a clinical lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki. She is the leader of research group FaunaFysio, providing research and evidence based information to the veterinary physiotherapy community. She is also a lecturer at the University of Liverpool PgDip / MSc in Veterinary Physiotherapy programme.

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